Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Everything flows...nothing stands still...the final installment

I know that you have all been on the edge of your seat for part 3, so without further adieu, here it is, the last facet, organizational flows…
·         The AODME is in the midst of a strategic planning process.  This has entailed using proven methodology to flesh out our goals and aspirations as an organization.  The board held a planning retreat in July (in conjunction with the AOA House of Delegates) and there were surveys of membership before and after this retreat.  One large move is the decision to focus on excellence in Clinical Osteopathic Medical Education.  This includes the undergraduate, graduate and continuing medical education spheres, with an emphasis on OGME.
·         As many of you know, the AODME has purchased management services from the AOA since 2003.  This contract has been automatically renewable on a yearly basis.  The AODME shares a close working, teamwork relationship with the AOA and recently had Susan Sevensma, DO appointed as the liaison from the AOA Board to the AODME Board.  This is a first for both organizations.
·         Finally, the AODME underwent a by-laws change in December of 2011.  This change culminated four years of discussion on the topic, through three annual meetings, multiple surveys and drafts of the changes.  The by-laws were ratified by a 90% positive vote of two thirds of the members.  This was not small accomplishment for a small and diverse organization.  The changes brought the AODME in line with the current structure of OGME, including the realization that most DMEs commune as OPTIs.
Everything flows…nothing stands still.  The AODME and OGME are certainly proof of this.

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